Fireplace Buyer’s Guide
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“A fireplace is the focal point of any home…”
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A fireplace is the focal point of any home and a place for the family to gather for reflection and relaxation. Since our humble beginning in 1979, fireplaces have been our forte and we continue to sell, install and service fireplaces by manufacturers who lead the industry in innovation and technology. Fireplaces take on many different shapes and sizes from traditional wood burning and esthetically pleasing models that exhibit beautiful flame and the comfortable charm of a crackling fire to the sleek linear design of today’s modern look filled with many types of non combustible media accentuated by a razor thin gas burner and even LED lights. Fireplaces are offered in two basic categories, commodity units for accenting a room as a decorative unit, which is the type of fireplaces typically found in new construction in most of the new neighborhoods. Then you have fireplaces that are heater rated and designed to be included in the heat calculations of the home. Although more expensive than their decorative cousins, the high efficiency models will more than make up the difference very quickly. In most cases this can be done in an year or less. We offer the heater rated units in either gas or wood.
Here are some considerations to keep in mind when choosing fireplaces. What type of fuel you want to burn, where the fireplaces are going to be installed, how you plan on sending the exhaust to the outdoors and what the function of the fireplaces will be. All of these choices and even a few more may come into play when selecting the right size, model and finishing trim options.
This is where we can help. Olympia Fireplace & Spa is a licensed contractor and our employees have spent thousands of man hours selling, installing and servicing fireplaces so there is no better company to trust with your fireplace needs than us. Since the fireplace is typically installed in new construction or a remodel application, we know that you have quite a bit on your mind so let us take care of all that for you. We work with contractors, remodelers and even building inspectors every day and can handle making sure that framing information, scheduling logistics and finishing information is taken care of so that you can focus on other things. Stop on in either one of our locations in Olympia or Chehalis and you’ll be able to see some of the most popular models of fireplaces, their finishing options as well as how they perform and have all of your questions answered by any one of our industry leading professionals. So bring your plans, ideas and dreams on by and let’s get started!
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Read what our customers have to say
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Thank you all for a job extremely well done on installing our new Quadrafire Cumberland wood stove last year, there have been no rain leaks or any other problems. The unusual installation would have taken me at least three days with countless trips into town for different parts. The stove’s ease of operation is more than we expected, as well as the heating capabilities. We had an earth stove for years in our last house and I have to say the Cumberland is not only better to look at, but easier to clean out as well.